
The materials contained on this website are provided for general information purposes only and do not claim to be or constitute legal or other professional advice and shall not be relied upon as such. We do not accept any responsibility for any loss which may arise from accessing this  website nor the reliance on information found on the website.

To the fullest extent permitted by the law, we exclude all liability for loss or damages direct or indirect arising from use of this website. Please use common sense and good judgment when accessing any website. This website's content and the products for sale are based upon the programmer’s intuition and the operator’s research and knowledge. You should do your own research and confirm the information with other sources when searching for information regarding statistical data and always review the information carefully with your personal, professional representative and/or advisor(s) before using any of the tools presented or sold on any website.

Our qualified support team is constantly engaged in rendering tutorials, marketing services, programming assistance, and similar professional services or advice via this website. However, the information provided is not intended to replace professional or arbitrary advice offered by a licensed marketing consultant or credentialed lawyer. You should not construe sales of our software and services as an endorsement of the views expressed herein, or any warranty or guarantee of any strategy, recommendation, action, or application of advice made by the programmers of each product and/or tool.

Simply using these products are no guarantee of any specific result or outcome whatsoever. Individual results may vary dependent on a multitude of factors including, but not limited to, individual stratagem.


This program is not intended to be used as a method of defrauding banks, creditors, or any other organization that requires your social security number as identification. This program is not a method to avoid paying your existing or future debts. If you created the debt, you are responsible to repay that debt. However, we will not support, facilitate, nor condone any fraudulent activity. The information here is informational purposes only and for you to use at your own risk. We are not lawyers or any legal services. We have a non-refund policy because of the work needed to give you the info.

New View Credit has posted this message in plain sight on the front page of our webpage so consumers can be aware "CPN's" are defined as any 9 digit number which can be used for credit; such as a SSN, ITIN, TIN, or EIN and it is very clear the largest warehouse of converted 9 digit government issued numbers; such as, ITIN, TIN, SSN, and EIN ARE IN FACT FOUND THROUGH OUT THE BANKING WORLD AND WITHIN THE BANKS DATABASE and ATTACHED TO CREDIT AND LOAN FOLDER LEGALLY ORIGINATED BY THESE SAME BANKS.
IT IS OUR STATEMENT New View Credit IS NOT ENGAGING IN ANY PROHIBITED BUSINESS ACTIVITIES SUCH AS: A. Representing, expressly or by implication, that through the use of our products or services, consumers can alter their identifying information to conceal adverse credit information from consumers' credit records, credit histories, or credit ratings, including but not limited to the use of Employer Identification Numbers ("EINs"), Taxpayer Identification Numbers ("TINs"), or alternative Social Security Numbers in lieu of the consumers' own Social Security Numbers; B. Representing that the building of a new credit record by applying for credit using an EIN, a TIN, or an alternate social security number instead of a consumer's own social security number is legal; C. Misrepresenting any material fact concerning the ability of our products or services to perform or provide any credit-related function for consumers, including but not limited to improving consumers' credit reports or profiles, consolidating debt, obtaining or arranging a loan, or obtaining or arranging any extension of credit; and D. Misrepresenting any fact material to a consumer's decision to purchase our products or services. E. Representing, expressly or by implication, that through the use of our products or services, consumers can alter their identifying information to conceal adverse credit information from consumers' credit records, credit histories, or credit ratings, including but not limited to the use of Dun & Bradstreet Numbers ("DBNs"), Employer Identification Numbers ("EINs"), Taxpayer Identification Numbers ("TINs"), or alternative Social Security Numbers in lieu of the consumers' own Social Security Numbers; F. Representing that the building of a new credit record by applying for credit using a DBN, EIN, a TIN, or an alternate Social Security Number instead of a consumer's own Social Security Number is legal; G. Misrepresenting any material fact concerning the ability of our products or services to perform or provide any credit-related function for consumers, including but not limited to improving consumers' credit reports or profiles, consolidating debt, obtaining or arranging a loan, or obtaining or arranging any extension of credit; and H. Misrepresenting any fact material to a consumer's decision to purchase our products or services.